Let’s Think About It
There are people who can make a cup of coffee or start a new
episode about fifteen minutes before they should be leaving for the airport
(because they have a flight to catch or something) – except these are the
people who would never say ‘I’m going to leave in 15 minutes’, it’s more like,
a few minutes, oh, maybe a couple
more, in a bit, can I at least finish my coffee?
They’re the people who can simply walk at an even pace to
catch their bus, or think about what they ate for dinner last night rather than
outline the 7 things they will do first when their plane lands, and then an
alternate 7 steps in case their bags take too long to arrive.
Would it surprise you greatly if I said I don’t happen to be
in the above category of people?
Over-thinking and its two best friends, anxiety and guilt -
picture a cheery trio holding hands and skipping towards a raging fire. Okay, so a fire is a bit dramatic, let’s
change it to a bumpy, muddy shallow hole in the ground?
I imagine normal people (if there is such a thing) walking
breezily through the sweet green meadow of their life while over-thinkers wake
up and step right off from their beds into an obstacle course – every day is a
puzzle I have to complete in given time… I
forgot to decide what I’m going to wear to work today, oh dear, I guess that’s
three less minutes that I can spend on breakfast, should I catch the later bus
today and for once arrive at work at 9 am instead of 8:40 like I always do but
then that leaves this awkward six minute gap between being ready to leave and the bus… Meticulous planners loathe those extra few
minutes (if these arrived unplanned) – we’re too restless for time that’s too
less to spend doing something, usually I think I fluff the pillows on the sofa
or put away the dishes. (Minor
diversion: the problem of the sofa – I always put four cushions in the same
arrangement on our shabby little sofa but if I leave it like that, Fahad sits on
one of these cushions and squashes it – and the peace that symmetrical cushions
bring me is as profound as the distress squashed pillows cause. So now just before leaving, I pick up one of
the cushions and place it on a chair – what a creative if somewhat worryingly
neurotic solution!)
I over-think pretty much everything. Things like talking on the phone or telling
my boss about taking a holiday, without realizing it my mind will start scripting
the conversation. Even ordering food is a pain, which is why I love the Just Eat app so much. No awkward explaining of orders on the phone and you still get your pizza without onions. Which is why it took six months for us (Fahad is the same when it comes to conversation with strangers) to finally ask the Sainsbury's people what the 'connecta' card is and realise it's actually a 'nectar' card and it does make perfect sense for us to have it because it's free and you collect points on it and eventually get a free something from the grocery store!
As an over-thinker, I have certain
expectations of myself, and if I don’t follow through, I’m going to start
feeling a thin, sniveling guilt crawl up my stomach, turn a corner around my
heart and sit close enough to send disappointed looks at it. I think a lot of women experience it. It is a gift from our parents, our teachers,
our aunts and uncles and the general society – a tiny little agent created with
years of patience and practice and slipped inside us. He wears a tiny hat and taps his stick on the
grey squidgy floor of our brain from time to time. He comes out of his little room quite often, to
either look at us with narrowed eyes or a sad, disappointed frown. Empty dishes
in the sink? Been on your bum sitting for the last two hours? Eat too many
chocolates? Haven’t called your parents in three days? Is that … flab? Have you
forgotten exercise is essential for good health and toned tummies?
Quiet little messages blinking neon inside the brain till
some action is taken to remove the dirty dishes or maybe don the gym pants.
Some women are probably more susceptible to nurturing the
little guilt-giving man, while others have the genes that help to pick him up
by the collar and toss him out without another look.
I think I’ve somewhat accepted and made friends with the
little guy. He’s helped me become a better person, I like to think. And since I have my very personified, alive
and kicking, vocal little conscience man, I take the liberty to not let other
people make me feel bad.
For an introvert, I’m remarkably good at saying no. You know the person who can actually swat off 'but have another cup of tea?' and 'it's just 9pm' and leave a relative's house at the time they actually want to leave at? Yep. It's a great skill.
I can very seldom be guilt-tripped into
anything and other people’s emotional wheedling and complaining don't bother
me. So I guess it kind of evens out.
Of course, sometimes it does get a bit tiresome.
Let’s have it out in the open: I haven’t
exercised in over a week. Now every time
I open my YouTube, there is an entire line of Kelly from Fitness Blender in
various positions of working out and becoming fit, and I admit, it makes me feel
quite terrible. I try to look away and
quickly look for The Verve to soothe the guilt away.
I haven’t sat down to write in over a month – that made me
feel quite horrid too. There’s a reason,
of course, I’ve started working four days a week now and we were travelling on
three of the weekends in April and then we had friends visiting in between, so
yes, but seriously Aisha, isn’t writing
your passion? Shouldn’t it be a priority? And need I bring up that you finished
all of 13 Reasons Why in less than five days?
No you need not, little guilt man.
Thankfully all is not tangled wires and knotted shoulders in
Over-thinking City. Having a constantly
whirling thought process makes me observe little things that maybe a lot of
others might miss out on – and so I see and count things like the six trees
along the same street bursting with pale pink blossoms or a lady helping another
person out with directions. I usually think
twice about what I say – weigh out the benefits of a statement to a person and often, deciding against its utility and thereby probably saving feelings from being
heart or egos being prodded or simply nonsense being uttered.
It has also helped me become who I am today (which is hopefully a
conscious person who thinks about causes, effects, and correlations). And making the most of life, obstacle-course
and pothole-ridden as it is.
And as for balance, I think having a husband who every now
and then swats away the little man inside my brain, who squashes cushions and suggests
having a cup of coffee when there are only 15 minutes left till we’re supposed
to leave, who toes away neatly laid plans to listen to a song
or sit under the sun for longer, well, that helps.
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