Morning Commute
The sun is bright today,
Top right corner
Of my window.
It's keeping pace,
Like a competitive jogger
In bright yellow trainers
It's quiet on the bus today,
Like a museum
For adults,
Or an expensive exhibition
For somber (but obvious)
Art lovers
Quiet -
Except for the music notes
That escape from a young lady's
Subtle white headphones.
Would you feel a connection
If she were listening
To your second favorite song
In the world?
If you look hard enough
And squint your eyes
Just a bit
And let your mind
Breathe -
You can see the thoughts
In people's heads (mostly blond
But some brunettes)
"Was it a mistake
To not iron my shirt
Tommy actually ate his breakfast
Thank god
Just one more day
Of work
Of family, of love
Unmade beds and dirty dishes
Maybe he will wash them
Without me asking
Top right corner
Of my window.
It's keeping pace,
Like a competitive jogger
In bright yellow trainers
It's quiet on the bus today,
Like a museum
For adults,
Or an expensive exhibition
For somber (but obvious)
Art lovers
Quiet -
Except for the music notes
That escape from a young lady's
Subtle white headphones.
Would you feel a connection
If she were listening
To your second favorite song
In the world?
If you look hard enough
And squint your eyes
Just a bit
And let your mind
Breathe -
You can see the thoughts
In people's heads (mostly blond
But some brunettes)
"Was it a mistake
To not iron my shirt
Tommy actually ate his breakfast
Thank god
Just one more day
Of work
Of family, of love
Unmade beds and dirty dishes
Maybe he will wash them
Without me asking
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