The Joys of Motherhood

How cute does your baby look when he’s kicking you with a ferocity more suited to an action hero than an 11-month-old as you sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at an increasingly higher pitch, trying to button up his onesie before he somersaults and tries to crawl off the bed? Nothing like an almost-toddler to test your dexterity and creativity at the same time, especially in those 10 minutes before bedtime. Z becomes a total loonytoon around 6 pm since he detests naps and is so exhausted by early evening he’s almost delirious. The strangest things will set him laughing like a cartoon villain and the most minor error will lead to a dramatically sorrowful bow on the ground, forehead pressed to his chunky little hands and tiny bum in the air. After spending several minutes bent double, walking His Tiny Lordship (HTL) around the living room, if I dare request a sit down (for both him and me), there will follow a comical duck pout, stiffening of said litt...