Baby and I

Even if they hold your head firmly and gaze deep into your eyes to say, words cannot describe the initial days of becoming a parent, and then repeat it a million times, at the end of the day, words cannot describe that feeling of becoming a parent. When you are finally home with a baby in the car seat that you bought months ago, not realising that life was going to soon explain what it really means to not have enough time in the day. The first night home when your body is battered still and your mind at 1/100th of its capacity. The utter overwhelming love overpowered by a thick gray fog of fear and heart-stopping anxiety- what is going on and how am I going to do this? Nobody can explain that it is not just the sleepless nights that are suddenly so long, cut into hazy portions by two hourly feeds, it isn't the sleeplessness but the cresting waves of anxiety that rise higher and higher and then when you finally lie down and close your eyes, they come crashing o...