Are You Happy?
June 21 The question really throws me off. Even if I am lying on a beach under a shady umbrella, with sand flecked toes and a perspiring cold drink in my hands, the question about happiness makes me pause. I am never sure. Do you mean right now, this very instant? Or do you mean generally, overall? Do you mean ‘most of the time’ or a ‘majority’ of my days? Do you mean satisfaction with where I am headed? Do you mean to say if I have many regrets or complaints? Or do you mean a sense of sated peace that makes it easy to breathe and sleep, that makes my heart feel as light as a wispy cloud, that makes me want to perpetually smile, with my lips, my eyes, my soul? There are very few mornings when I wake up and think to myself, what a beautiful day to be alive! That may be partly because of my sleeping, eating, living habits, or maybe it is because of my tiresome dreams… nevertheless, I don’t wake up with a spring in my step and...