Day 2: Shame is of Zero Yuan
October 19 I’m not much of a shopper, most definitely a weak bargainer. And that put me at a severe disadvantage for today’s mission: to shop. Since uncle was gracious enough to spend his Saturday taking us to a few choice malls and markets, we started the day with some mild hustling at the Chinese sabzi mandi . Once again the sad, cute strays, trudging amidst heaps of beautiful looking vegetables: bright purple eggplant, perfectly crafted Chinese cabbage (which looks like fancy lettuce) and gigantic squash type green vegetables that weighed as much as a baby whale. Or at least a baby human. We bought enough vegetables to set up a small mandi of our own and as we drove off, I saw a lady holding her adorable baby in her lap, his butt exposed to the world, and almost as disturbingly, to the vegetables all around her. I hoped she was just airing his baby behind and not mistaking the middle of her cabbage stall for a bathroom cubicle. ...